Upcoming Events
June 3-6, 2017
The annual “Michael, Marcia & Christa Parseghian Scientific Conference” for Niemann-Pick Type C research at the La Paloma Resort in Tucson, Arizona. For more information go to http://parseghianfund.nd.edu/events/annual-conference/
June 23-26, 2017
The sixth annual Parseghian Classic, a 3 day golf tournament, at the Pebble Beach Golf Resort. For more information go to http://parseghianfund.nd.edu/parseghian-classic/

Recent Events
June 24-27, 2016
The fifth annual Parseghian Classic, a 3 day golf tournament, was
held at the wonderful Pebble Beach Golf Resort. Golfers played a
round of golf at Spyglass Hill golf course and another at Pebble Beach
Golf Links. The all-inclusive event included a welcome reception,
Putting Contest and dinner with a special guest performance. Contact Kim Kirkpatrick at
Kimberly.Kirkpatrick.18@nd.edu for more information.
June 4-7, 2016
The annual “Michael, Marcia & Christa Parseghian Scientific Conference” for Niemann-Pick Type C research was held on June 4-7, 2016 at the La Paloma Resort in Tucson, Arizona. Researchers gathered for three days to discuss the advances in NP-C research. This yearly meeting helps to form collaborations and determine the future direction of NP-C research. For more information go to http://niemannpick.nd.edu/conference/
June 11–13, 2015
The annual “Michael, Marcia & Christa Parseghian Scientific Conference” for Niemann-Pick Type C research was held on June 11 -13, 2015 at the University of Notre Dame. Researchers will gather for three days to discuss the advances in NP-C research. This yearly meeting helps to form collaborations and determine the future direction of NP-C research.
June 26-29, 2015
The fourth annual “Parseghian Classic”, a 3 day golf tournament, was held at the beautiful Pebble Beach Golf Resort. Golfers will play a round of golf at Spyglass Hill Golf Course and another at Pebble Beach Golf Links. The all-inclusive event includes a welcome reception and dinner, a putting tournament, and a final reception and dinner with a special guest performance. Full golf and nongolf packages are available. Contact promano@parseghian.org for more information.
March 12, 2015
The 3rd annual Parseghian Cup Rugby Match - Arizona vs. Notre Dame was played at the University of Arizona William David Sitton Field. Congratulations the Notre Dame Fighting Irish for winning the match.
August 2, 2014
The 7th annual BReaK Thru Fund Golf Outing was held at the Lafayette Elks Country Club in Indiana. Hosted by the Smith Family. For more information contact Trent Smith at: info@breakthrufund.org
June 12-14, 2014
The annual “Michael, Marcia & Christa Parseghian Scientific Conference” for Niemann-Pick Type C research was held on the campus of the University of Notre Dame.
Researchers gathered for three days to discuss the advances in NP-C research. This
yearly meeting helps to form collaborations and determine the future direction of NP-C
June 5-9, 2014
The third annual “Parseghian Classic”, a 3-day golf tournament, was held at the magnificent Pebble Beach Golf Resort. Golfers played a round of golf at The Links at Spanish Bay and another at the Pebble
Beach Golf Links. The all-inclusive event included a welcome reception
and dinner, a putting tournament, and a final reception and dinner
with a special guest performance. Visit parseghianclassic.nd.edu for additional information.
May 15, 2014
Irish Legends took on
a new format this year, a
limited field golf tournament
based on a President’s
Cup format. A lovely
reception and dinner was
held at the Drake Hotel in downtown Chicago. For information contact Angela
Monger at (800) 628-9922, Ext. 503 or acmonger@sap-corp.com
April 5, 2014
The University of Arizona Rugby Team traveled to South Bend to take on
the Irish at Notre Dame’s new Stinson Rugby Field for the second annual Ara
Parseghian Cup rugby match.